Monday, June 23, 2008

Don't Quit Your Day Job Part 3

So, are you interested? After reading that you still think you’re up for it? Well, answer these questions then.

1) How far are you willing to go?

2) How good is your self-esteem?

3) Are you a good actor?

5) Are you willing to let someone be the most important thing in your life one day and leave them the next?

6) Can you handle being completely alone?

Here are the correct answers.

1) All the way. You need to know your objective and be willing to do whatever it takes to get there, because once you get there your job is done. A month long vacation with her family? Yup. Getting your ass beat? Yup. Letting her decide if she wants to keep it (hopefully she’ll vacuum the bugger)? Yup.

2) Rock solid. You can’t doubt yourself for a second, you have to know how great you are or else you’ll be destroyed in any project that you get too involved in. Women will fight you till the very end; they’ll hook up with other guys and hate you. Her friends will most definitely dislike you and you’ll have to stand tall, never appear weak, if you do, you fail. And don't expect them to thank you, they never will.

3) The best. Every girl has different problems and every problem must be treated differently. Normally I’m cocky, rude and inconsiderate of most people’s feelings, basically an asshole; you’ll have to learn to adapt your personality to each project without being too obvious. Tori needed to be treated like crap; she eventually ‘cheated’ on me, which was the goal of that project. ‘Ice Queens’ need to be gradually warmed up until their hearts melt, you’ll have to be sweet until you give her cavities, show her your mushy side. You have to cry on command, control subtle body language you want them to notice, know your different stares and how to use them. Never break character.

4) In a second. You will become involved with your projects. You’ll miss them and want them around, they will be important to you but you have to be able to let them go. It’s impossible not to get involved and even I’ve broken my cardinal rule, don’t fall in love. Just know that you’ll have to loose them and it won’t seem that bad when that time comes. You have to come in out of nowhere, then leave as suddenly as you showed up.

5) Yup. You can’t hide these projects since they involve human relationships, so you have to justify them. You naturally have to be a strong person to take on projects, which means you already have enemies. Projects cause more, women get jealous and don’t want their friends (your projects) around you, guys resent (unless you only take on fatties and ugly bitches) your success and shun you. People will try to take you down and you can’t let your guard down. It gets better though, you learn to trust people for certain things, designated friends. If you ever do find someone who sticks by you regardless of this, don’t let them go.

I also have a set of rules, but I won’t list them. As long as you have what it takes you can make your own rules, and if you’re like me you’ll probably end up breaking them anyways. Just don’t forget who you are and what you’re doing, stay focused children. This is what I do, this is the key to my success with women. This is what works for me and it’s actually the only way I know how. My success comes with a price though. I consider it a toll-booth on my daily commute, and I’ll always pay the price because I’ll never quit my day job.

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